Digital Marketing Strategy

Power your every click.


Digital Marketing Strategy on a tablet that mentions SEO, social media, ads, viral content and branding

Blueprint to Digital Dominance

In the ever-evolving digital realm, a well-crafted strategy is the compass that guides brands towards their goals. At Sonus Digital, we don’t just follow trends; we anticipate them, creating strategic roadmaps that navigate through noise and elevate brands to digital prominence.

What We Offer

  • Research & Insight Gathering: Understanding is the foundation of strategy. We delve deep into your brand, audience, and industry to unveil actionable insights.

  • Integrated Marketing Plans: Seamlessly unite SEO, social media, content marketing, PPC, and more, into a cohesive and potent marketing machine.

  • Competitive Analysis: Equip yourself with an understanding of the market landscape. We dissect your competitors’ strategies to unveil opportunities for differentiation and dominance.

  • Brand Positioning: Carve out a unique space in the digital world. We refine your brand’s voice, message, and image to resonate powerfully with your target audience.

  • Content Strategy: Beyond creation, content needs direction. We blueprint the topics, formats, channels, and frequencies that best amplify your message.

  • ROI Optimization: Digital marketing is a game of returns. Our strategies prioritize channels and tactics that maximize your investment, ensuring sustainable growth.


  1. Paid search: One of the fastest ways to bring your business to the top of search queries.
  2. Shopping ads: Shopping ads will show images and the price of your product in the advert along with the text.
  3. Display advertising: Text-based or graphical ads strategically place on third party websites and pages.
  4. Remarketing: This allows businesses to target audiences that have already visited their site, and converts window shoppers into paying customers.
  5. Youtube advertising: YouTube advertising is one of the most go-to marketing channels available. However, our experienced team knows how to bring your brand to life through video ads.
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Dear Business Builder

How would you feel if your sales doubled within 3 months even with the same (or less) spending on your marketing?

Imagine skyrocketing profits.. Increasing bonuses… you don’t have to worry about chasing your next customer anymore, while enjoying a predictable stream of leads on autopilot.

We’re commonly known for turning every $1 of advertising into $3 of profits. We know fast-growth and future success are often through digital marketing, and we know how it’s done.

Here’s how we take your business from zero to hundred, FAST:

  1. Lock in time with one among our Digital Growth Specialists. They’ll guide you through a strategy session that audits your digital presence and put together an omnichannel digital marketing strategy (worth 50 pages)
  2. If you like what you hear, we pitch an idea that puts your business goals at the forefront
  3. Ready to take subsequent steps? Our team hits the ground running to realize your goals with digital marketing that works.

Best of all? We provide our strategy sessions for free.
But it’s not for everybody. After working with many business owners, we know a thing or two about what fits or what doesn’t.

Our free strategy sessions are available only for people whom we know we can add value to. In other words, businesses that:

See marketing as a revenue-driver, not a price centre
Can invest enough resources into their marketing (less than $2K monthly budget may be a no)
Want to partner with a compatible business – strong partnerships is how we assist you to get brilliant results

If all the above seems like you, let’s talk.

Chief Consultant
Media Mojo Pte Ltd